
Revo Inshore revival

Finally the Kick Lever replacement part arrived after more than a month of sourcing and waiting. This was my favourite baitcaster that i thought i would have to retire it when there were engaging/dis-engaging issues with no replacement parts to be found anywhere here. Really can't wait to hit the waters with it now, maybe my Shimano got to move aside for now haha.. look no further get in touch with the folks at mikesreelrepair for ur parts replacement order. Cheers

Stripped down

left worn out/ right new part

                                                            to be replaced


new lures arrived at the door..

Can't wait to lay my hands on these lures that i ordered from tackledirect. The Shimano Waxwing lures(surprising not available here in Singapore) are the second lot that i have ordered from online.Sad and shock to say i have lost all the 1st lot due to careless loading of the lures from casting and the used of light lines over a period of time. Expensive lesson learned indeed, this time i'll be careful though. Then there is the Bill Lewis Rat L trap which i will see how it will fair in this part of the world :)


Camo Grouper for the day

Pretty decent size hookup near the shore today...another ambusher that turn up from nowhere and slammed into my diving lure just 2 m from where i was standing.. sometimes its really pointless to cast far haha..